After the success of the first edition – 429 exhibitors, 35,312 presences from 87 countries and a high degree of satisfaction of exhibitors and visitors (source Customer Satisfaction 2018 by GRS) – Print4All (4-7 May 2021, Fiera Milano Rho) confirms  its innovative format, presenting itself as a 360-degree print project, declined in the three main vertical directions in which the offer and the main areas of application are articulated: printing & communication; converting, package printing, labeling and industrial printing. Conceived as a supply chain fair, capable of coagulating the entire chain, it takes place under the umbrella of the Innovation Alliance together with Ipack-Ima (packaging) and Meat Tech (meat processing & packaging), Plast (plastic and rubber converting) and Intralogistica Italy.

Print4All is a project of ACIMGA and ARGI, the two associations that represent, respectively, Italian and foreign manufacturers of printing and converting machines, and 4IT Group, a company that for over 10 years has been observing the markets of the Graphics and Communications industry. The organizer is Fiera Milano, leader in Italy in the organization of trade fairs.

International standing

Numerous meetings are scheduled in the major markets of interest – Algeria, United Kingdom, Turkey, Germany – which will allow us to present Print4All 2021 and discuss the most relevant and potential market development issues, having companies encounter potential buyers. We will start from the focuses that are already at the center of the project of the next edition: process sustainability, industry 4.0, without overlooking the growing trend towards servitisation and the new focus on the role of system integrators.

Exhibitors, registration open

All information and forms to become exhibitors at the 2021 edition can be found on the event website. Furthermore, dialogue has already begun with the exhibiting companies to identify tailor-made solutions that can maximize their presence at the fair.

Print4All Conference in May 2020

In order to allow all professionals and companies to discuss the most important issues for the development of the various sectors, several training and presentation events have been scheduled for the coming months, both in Italy and abroad. Once again, the Print4All Conference will be a key meeting and discussion venue. Hence May 2020 is the new date for the yearly encounter, designated to favor exchanges between all the subjects of the chain – producers, printers, creatives, brand-owners – that will once again enable the identification of the hottest topics that will be developed within the conventions and undertakings of Print4All 2021.